Sunday, 26 July 2015

i gt stnd then dissaprd down a semntc wrmhle

Today I got really stoned. Like, for real really stoned like i didn't find this on a blog and rip it of kinda of stoned. Like i felt likt this was a good idea to write this wierdly deviating blog. But i did, and at some point during my post i remembered that i remembered having this thought or memory of that moment i had thought about the re-genetative capabilites of Axoltls. that they can regenerate mostparts of their bodies. thats why scientists love them for it. but some how ( i just how convincing it would be of my stonedness to wrote some how as two separate words as apposed to one. another thought. wht was segue. hub rain cant recalallbrte. rgnratve cpblitis of axoltl nd thr spr hmn abilty to rgenrte thir lmbs nd othr [prts . no idea idea is not an abbrivatn .

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Monday, 20 July 2015

Friday, 17 July 2015

Shreddin' the Axe-olotl

So I also stumbled across this winner:
which features a review of some experimental music makers,
in particular a dood named Bret Hart. I just listened to the
compilation and think it's ace. try it on. I mainly posted this
because i though it was cool that he named an album
Mr Axolotl and this is the album art:

Save Fran and Friends! Actolotl, not Alittl

I stumbled across a couple of articles (SEE LINKS BELOW!) while reading about fun-facts regarding Fran. There are a couple of interesting points within these articles that I would like to address over time: interesting facts about the Axolotl physiology, some cultural and mythological origins, but largely, or at least for now, the environmental impact on Fran and her friends.

In captivity, at least with me, Fran is super tidy. I have to vacuum her room several times a month, making sure her water is clean. This is pretty standard practice for fish, but I feel like Fran is particularly neat. Like she has OCD, even though she complains in silence. This is in captivity, in the wild, along the canal system of Xochimilco in Mexico (the only natural habitat for Fran's mates), Fran 'n' Friends would most likely have the same desire for a neat and tidy home.

Well they don't! Because it's entirely polluted by fecal matter and other forms of crap, and introduced dudes who are only out to swoon in on another dudes territory, steel their possessions, make out with their partner and eat the eggs they've spent a whole heap of man-hours trying to swoon their partner with on the promise of territory, possessions and more eggs just to have it taken away.

Well that aint cool! 

They think there may only be about 100 Axolotl's out their in the wild, and while I love Fran, I do look at her sometimes and wish she could go out and see the world or meet a friend, have a boyfriend, or girlfriend, get shagged in the back alley of some shit club, make some dumb mistakes, have an ace time but she can't (and given that she rarely moves around all that much, probably wouldn't anyway) and that sux.

Don't litter! And think of others for a change.

xxxxxx Frannnnny xxxxxx

Metamorphalotl - story time


 The Mexican axolotl is an odd-looking salamander with a flat head and spiked feet, unusual because it often spends its entire life in the so-called larval stage, like a tadpole, without ever moving to land. “It grows and grows in the same shape, and has the capacity to reproduce,” said the biologist Armando Tovar Garza. “We don’t really know why it doesn’t change.” Its gaze seems to captivate as its gills slowly beat. In Julio CortΓ‘zar’s short story “Axolotl,” the narrator is transfixed — “I stayed watching them for an hour and left, unable to think of anything else” — and experiences his own metamorphosis. New York Times, Oct. 31, 2012


Thursday, 16 July 2015

Fran portrait ::::: lmtd edition tees to follow.
join the #FRANFARE πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’–

Gettin' Down.

    I'm fairly certain this is what Fran does when i'm not looking.

    { : * franny }

Fran is fly and likes to chill.


Thanxalotl is dedicated to my pal Fran.

{I <3 U A-LOTL}


{*picture courtesy of KZ. werd.}