Monday 3 August 2015


Axolotls are cool for a number of reasons:
Their lungs are on the outside and look like neat-o hair-dos;
They kind of look like a dick (dicks are cool);
They basically sit around all day grinning (winners are grinners);
and, they can regenerate everything!

Scientists have been researching the regenerative capabilities of axolotls heaps eh.
There was some trite recently about some dudes who are not too thrilled about 
having their bits snipped, and supposedly they can grow them back, well,i'm sure the research into axolotls would be a major catalyst.

But BOYZ, don't worry too much about your downsized manhood.
Fran and I still love it nonetheless.



Fran has a bit of a thing for hanging out with Z-listers.
This constitutes her obligation for charity work as
agreed terms as part of her parole.

Sunday 26 July 2015

i gt stnd then dissaprd down a semntc wrmhle

Today I got really stoned. Like, for real really stoned like i didn't find this on a blog and rip it of kinda of stoned. Like i felt likt this was a good idea to write this wierdly deviating blog. But i did, and at some point during my post i remembered that i remembered having this thought or memory of that moment i had thought about the re-genetative capabilites of Axoltls. that they can regenerate mostparts of their bodies. thats why scientists love them for it. but some how ( i just how convincing it would be of my stonedness to wrote some how as two separate words as apposed to one. another thought. wht was segue. hub rain cant recalallbrte. rgnratve cpblitis of axoltl nd thr spr hmn abilty to rgenrte thir lmbs nd othr [prts . no idea idea is not an abbrivatn .

Thursday 23 July 2015